Building Sustainable Supply Chains is one of the indispensable requirements of the future.

We bring together the worldwide supply chain, providing tailored, end-to-end supply chain and logistics solutions for global brands and retailers. We utilize our network of more than 100 factories to source, design, source and deliver diverse products to customers around the world.

Our primary goal is to build and manage responsible, sustainable and flexible supply chains to meet the demands of an ever-changing global retail industry. At the same time, we have a responsibility to protect and enhance the quality of life of everyone involved in this chain. Our goal is to better the lives of the one billion people we impact along the supply chain.

Our factories are located in key production markets around the world. This allows us to flexibly manage our production capacity, balance capacity constraints and meet customer demands.

Supply Chain Sustainability

Sustainability is part of our culture and provides a guiding framework for how we manage our impact while contributing to the development of the communities in which we live and work.

We manage our global supply chains in line with our overall Sustainability Strategy. We take our responsibility to our employees, customers, suppliers and workers in our supply chains very seriously. Our initiatives to improve supply chain sustainability focus on three areas: advancing risk management and compliance throughout our supply chains, improving sustainability performance, and collaborating with customers and industry partners to build better supply chains.

We recognize that our business can affect positive change in our industry. Improving both the working conditions and livelihoods of workers and their families in our supply communities is important to us.

We are currently living in a period of rapid change. The convergence of technology has radically changed the way both consumers and businesses interact.

Data-driven understanding helps us by increasing our ability to better understand our customers and engage with them more quickly and creatively. Modern consumers want to be always connected, get instant answers and have unforgettable experiences - but they also demand more transparency and sustainability.

In this context, we are working on speed, innovation and digitalization, with a focus on the supply chain. Our vision is clear and bold: We aim to build the supply chain of the future to help our customers move forward in the digital economy.

Infinitely Fast Innovation and Success


One of the things we prioritize in meeting our customers' demands is the speed they need to increase their competitiveness. To help them succeed, we are taking a variety of approaches, including focusing on strategic investments to harness the benefits of new technologies, optimize processes and integrate different parts of our supply chain.


Speed is something we are focused on to increase our capacity to better serve our global brand and retail customers, reduce production lead times and increase the speed to market. It is also important to make faster decisions and adapt more closely to the market, improving end-consumer satisfaction and supporting the sale of trend products at full price.


Our ability to increase speed and reap the benefits of that speed is a critical element of the transformation of our business. We are working on projects and new ways of working to drive innovation, while leading technology to create an agile workforce that can work efficiently. Data-driven insights, process optimization, transparency measures and reorganization of workspaces all play a big role.


We are aiming for unprecedented speed in the supply chain.

Tomorrow's Innovation, Today's Success


In today's business world, mobile-enabled products and personalized services have become the norm. Companies and retailers must keep pace with this rapid shift in consumer expectations. That's why we develop innovative products and solutions to meet these expectations of our customers through customer collaborations, crowd-sourced ideas and technology partnerships.


The digitalized supply chain is at the heart of how we do business. Our access to data and opportunities to develop new business models with non-traditional partners extends throughout the supply chain.


Innovation is key to succeeding in a fast-paced world. We take an open approach to finding innovative ideas, combining internal and external resources and looking for talent, knowledge and platforms to collaborate. Recognizing the value of expertise and different perspectives is important to make our people even more innovative and bring them together with other innovation-driven communities. We also create flexible workspaces to encourage sharing among all our global colleagues and manage projects more fluidly.


We measure our success by our ability to innovate in an agile way and, as a result, create new business opportunities and customer satisfaction.

On the Path to Digitalization, Shaping the Future of the Supply Chain


It refers to a strategy that defines the future direction of supply chains. This means modernizing every stage of the supply chain and offering our customers a unique ecosystem by analyzing data and providing valuable insights.


As more and more consumers move towards digitalization, our industry needs to transform its supply chains. We are leading the digitization of our global supply chain, integrating supply chain data end-to-end. Advanced analytics capabilities will enable partners across our ecosystem to increase speed, reduce costs, improve lead times, effectively manage working capital, optimize inventory, increase sustainability and strengthen traceability.


The supply chain of the future offers a multifaceted world where brands, retailers and suppliers can seamlessly connect to an accessible ecosystem of digital services and data insights. We aim to improve the business performance of our customers and partners with predictive analytics. Baystok's integrated digital platform has been developed with the purpose of collecting and sharing data across the entire value chain and will ultimately deliver a platform that supports smarter, faster and more effective decision making.


This is the future of supply chains.

Our Supply Chain Solutions, aim to add speed and efficiency to supply chains around the world, driving profit growth and innovation opportunities for our customers.

Pushing the boundaries of traditional supply chain agencies, we offer a range of innovative solutions that help factories, production shops and other suppliers to more effectively address complex supply chain requirements and cope with increasing compliance requirements.

Taking a trend-driven approach, we offer creative freedom for brands to design products on time, inspired by industry-leading trends.

Global collaboration provides a platform for retail teams to come together remotely in a virtual workspace, with easy access to material libraries, design elements and patterns. This makes the creation of end-to-end 3D products more efficient.

Virtual 3D design gives our partners the opportunity to move quickly from concept to testing and final design. Sample and approval times are reduced to mere hours, while designs can be quickly integrated into marketing or e-commerce platforms through the reuse of digital assets. This approach also enables cost reduction and more efficient use of resources for future design projects. Additional costs in product development are reduced to almost zero and waste caused by unnecessary samples and shipping is minimized.

Moving Forward with Global Supply Chain Solutions

Baystok optimizes the global supply chain by providing tailored, end-to-end supply chain and logistics solutions to leading brands and retailers around the world. Our differentiator is our industry-leading degree of flexibility and scalability.

Every year, Baystok flows millions of consumer goods through its supply chain. To enable this process, our global supply chain connects thousands of suppliers and vendors with leading brands and retailers, all coming together to meet consumer demands. We focus on effectively managing complexity and risk to maximize your profitability.

Starting from product design and development, we offer comprehensive services for all stakeholders in the consumer goods supply chain, from compliance to raw material and factory sourcing, from production control to logistics. Our offices and teams of experts operate in more than 270 supply and manufacturing markets, enabling us to offer the expertise and extensive network of supply chain partners needed to respond to the diverse needs of our customers.

Innovative Approaches for Tomorrow's Supply Chain

The retail industry is going through a period of profound change and transformation, which is triggering a radical evolution in traditional supply chain management.

We, at Baystok, are taking a leading role in building a digital supply chain by providing brand new services and solutions to help our customers and partners meet the challenges of the digital economy. A fully digitized global supply chain aims to be the driver of transformation, enabling faster and smarter business decisions thanks to data-driven insights.

Our goal is to digitize every stage of the supply chain, enabling data to circulate seamlessly and thus providing end-to-end visibility for our customers, partners and all interested parties. This means they can anticipate change in the retail industry, capture and share data across the entire value chain to make smarter, faster and more efficient decisions, and secure business sustainability.

Our digital tools open the door to doing business faster and more innovatively than ever before.